Product Sales
Books for Sale:
- “A Country Life”, by Eric McDonald – 2nd reprint, with index. $20.00 + approx. $3.00 p&p (Vic.) if required.
- “From the Broadford Courier: 1891– 1978. Poetry.” $15.00 + approx. $3.00 p&p (Vic.) if required.
- “From the Courier: 1891 – 1978. Mishaps, Mayhem and Maladies.” $15.00 + approx, $3.00 p&p (Vic.) if required.
- “Whispers in the Valley: Strath Creek”, by Noreen Foster. $21.00 + approx. $4.00 p&p (Vic) if required.
- “Through the Mill: Broadford Paper Mill Centenary.” (Hardcover) Now out of print but we still have a few copies available. Please contact us for the current price.
- “A District Remembers: A Collection of World War II memories. 5oth Anniversary Commemorative Edition.” $5.00 + approx. $4.00 p&p (Vic) if required.
- “Journey to Taatooke: Emily Gavan’s story”, by Maureen Jones. $35.00 + approx. $3.00 p&p (Vic) if required.
- "When Broadford Was Young And So Was I”, by Ruth Davern. (2nd edition with updates) $45.00 + approx. $5.00 p&p (Vic) if required. NOTE: This is no longer available.
- The Last Straw’ DVD. With historic footage about the final run at Australian Paper Manufacturers (Broadford), by Graham Neill. $20 plus postage if required.
- Broadford Paper Mill History DVD. (Award winning DVD about the history of Broadford APM , by Graham Neill.) (See a short video preview of this under Feature Stories/ Broadford Paper Mill.) $20 plus postage if required.
(See the “Contact Us” page for contact details. We will confirm accurate p&p for your destination on receipt of an enquiry.)