A Major Local Industry Comes and Goes
The Broadford Dairy Company was once one of the major industries of the town, but this was not always so. The photo above shows the factory in its heyday, early last century. Situated in Murchison St. in Broadford at around number 31-33, much of it can still be seen. However there was considerable opposition to its construction, as can be seen in the following article, taken from The Broadford Courier and Reedy Creek Times, dated July 4th 1891. ” The Failure of the Creamery Scheme. So it seems that Broadford is not to have a creamery, or butter factory, after all! A few members of the committee, including MR, McLeod, and Mr. Grey, the Secretary, gathered to a final conference at Bidstrup’s hotel, last Tuesday afternoon, when it was agreed that the practical interest and support given to the project by the farmers of the district, was so deficient, that it was useless under present circumstances to proceed with the matter, and it was therefore decided to let it drop. One cannot but regret the reasons that have compelled the well-organised committee to come to this conclusion, but they had no other course open to them. No doubt the farmers and graziers of Broadford know their business best, and certainly should be credited with knowing what is most conducive to their own interests, but we confess our inability to see that they were warranted in letting so grand an opportunity for facilitating the growth of a great and permanent industry fall through, on the grounds that a creamery would be an unsafe speculation-and there is no other reason to account for the failure…..” Read more of this article online at: http://trove.nla.gov.au Comments are closed.